Page 201 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 201

As soon as we learned about the interesting concept   „Paul‘s reflex „. The base of potato pancakes is made
        of „Street Potatoes from the Stump“, we agreed me-    up of small, baked baby potatoes that are tastier
        eting with Mr. Martin Kollár - château chef of Châ-   than those a. Before serving, they are gently roasted
        teau Rúbaň has been working in the field of gastro-   and roasted with fire. Served with sour cream,
        nomy for 10 years. He attended a foreign internship   bryndza, bacon, spring onion, dill or chips. vegeta-
        in France and worked in Switzerland. His dream of     rian is also available gluten-free or lactose-free ver-
        running a street food stall became a reality and to-  sion, or the ability to create your own combination.
        day you are his satisfied customers can not praise.   Who wants to soup, can order a soup of baked po-
        Its priority is tradition, quality, taste and simplicity   tatoes with sheep cheese, bacon and dill, or dessert
        thoughts to offer customers something traditional     of sour cream and cottage cheese with biscuits and
        and at the same time new and „unexpected“ was not     fruit. The advantage of a mobile stand is that it is not
        far away the idea of   offering our traditional raw ma-  tied only to one place, and so in the case of various
        terial - potatoes in a mobile trailer. So the project was   events that do not lack stalls with street snacks we
        created „Street Potatoes from the Stump.“ Although    can often see a trailer offering street potatoes of em-
        the first violin is played here at first sight, „ordinary“   bers. You can see him, for example, in front of Bra-
        potatoes, nedajtesa pomýte. This crop was expan-      tislava‘s Old Market Hall during Saturday‘s markets.
        ded in our territory only in the 18th century and has   You can also taste potato pancakes at various fes-
        since been included among the most popular. After     tivals and events such as Pohoda, Shipyard, Vegday
        all, who could imagine Slovak cuisine without pota-   or Nitra street food fest. According to Martin Kollar,
        toes today? Potato pancakes, sheep cheese gnocchi,    „his“ tastes exactly as they do when you. At the same
        mashed potatoes, loins, pies and many more typical    time, it does not forget the environment and does
        Slovak dishes are permanently entered in our gast-    not waste material. In addition, it supports domestic
        ronomic alphabet. Excellent and irritating Rousing    growers, thereby contributing to the development
        potatoes directly from the pound are a very popu-     of the area. And that‘s why we‘re calling out loud to-
        lar meal and each of us is at nostrils spread out of   gether: „Play for them“.
        the unique and amazing scent, and the well-known

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