Page 199 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 199

Our visit to  Valtice was also an introduction to a   Since 1100 produced its own wine for the first time
        restaurant and a winery called Valtice1100. After a   in the 2018 season, which is still resting in barrels,
        warm and pleasant welcome with a nice manager of      we have not been able to take home this precious
        the operation, we became more familiar with the re-   souvenir. Therefore, on the recommendation of the
        staurant environment and we were pleasantly surpri-   sommelier, we have made excellent Vlašský Rizling
        sed by its modern architecture. Restaurant 1100 has   from the Moravino winery, year 2016 - late harvest.
        been in operation since 2017. The emphasis here is    This variety is a typical representative of this regi-
        on using local ingredients from local suppliers, com-  on for limestone bedrock, which is ideal for growing
        bining modern and traditional gastronomic proce-      „walnut“. The wine made us happy that we bought
        sses in the preparation of meals, freshness and, last   two bottles in our archive directly in situ. Then they
        but not least, perfect arranging of portions on plates.   brought us food. Great Creamy Soup „Chicken Velout
        They offer traditional cuisine in a modern design and   with Cress“, Appetizers „Rabbit Ragout in a Leaf with
        original desserts. There is a wine shop offering local   Spruce Sauce“ „Tartlet with Lamb“ perfectly tuned
        wines from local producers as well as world-class wi-  us to tasting the main courses „Rabbit with lobster
        nes. And if you don‘t know how to choose yourself,    and  bear garlic“, „Lamb‘s  navel  with  saffron  risotto
        the local sommelier will be happy to advise you. The   and gremoulade „And“ Pork Flank „were so nicely ar-
        restaurant‘s capacity of 45 seats ensures that you    ranged on a plate that we were sorry to disrupt this
        will find a vacant place and that you are not in the   harmony with a fork and a knife.
        airport hall. Tastefully cuddly nice waiters were de-  As a dessert, we tasted  „Mango Pannacotta“ and
        dicated to us immediately after our arrival with nice   „Sweet Milk Rice“. Everything was perfectly prepared
        attention and smile. In the menu, we found a variety   and served directly artistic.
        of tempting sounding dishes, which were not easy      We recommend visiting the restaurant 1100 in Val-
        to choose, so we‘d better advise. Of course, a selec-  tice and do not forget to take your little ones with
        tion of a suitable wine belongs to selected dishes.   you, which can be safely and fully accomplished.

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