Page 197 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 197

Although since our first visit to the GrillRestaurant in   nent. A new team is working at the restaurant, the
        Břeclav there was not much water flowing through      chef and the chef are young, ambitious people who
        the Dyje River, we visited this operation for the se-  are not afraid to experiment and putting their new
        cond time after the agreement with the owner. This    ideas in full support of their boss. A good example of
        nice booth gastronomy and relaxation will provide     such an experiment is the aforementioned red beet
        you with experiences for all senses. Before the en-   tartar, which visually resembles a finely ground beef
        trance to the restaurant, this once did not miss (in   doll and, along with the goat‘s cheese pile from a
        our first article already mentioned) a funky flower   local supplier, a baguette baked in its own kitchen is
        decoration, which is for every incoming visitor un-   served on a granite stone tray. They also brought us
        mistakable. After welcoming with the owner, we sta-   Czech classics - traditional goulash with dumplings,
        yed in an informal conversation, where we learned a   which was spicyly flavored and tastefully balanced.
        lot of things, such as how the idea of   making a red-  The rich feast of the grill, grilled with grilled vege-
        -tart tartare was made, it was also funny to listen to   tables, left us in no doubt about the intention not
        the „whims“ of some customers and the various ways    to  let their  guests  leave before  their  stomachs are
        to deal with this problem diplomatically. Well, that,   filled. The medium rare meat was juicy and tasty, in
        too, is one of the toughest craftsmanship in which    one word - a great bastion. We definitely recommend
        the „our customer, our lord“ wing saying goes twi-    a visit to this establishment, which also includes a
        ce. We tasted homemade lemonades that were fresh      pleasant terrace with the possibility of playing for
        and very tasty.  Thirst came across a strong oppo-    children.

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