Page 97 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 97

The owner of the Afrodita restaurant in the Cerenske   the famous chef, we settled down and enjoyed the
        mansion and also the chef Mr. Marián Filo is one of   tasting. Everything here is very stylish and the sense
        the most respected gastronomy experts in our coun-    of detail combines with good taste. The dishes we
        try. He has had a successful career and pronouncing   tasted (to complement the names of dishes) were
        his name is also an invitation to a gourmet sky. We   aesthetically arranged and satisfy even the most de-
        did not resist and we chose this exclusive destina-   manding gourmets. Of course there is an archive of
        tion for this Slovak destination.  The Renaissance    world wines in the wine cellar of the manor house
        manor house in Čereňany, built in 1640, is located    and the bonus is the feeling that we are eating in the
        in the Upper Nitra region between Partizánsky and     same premises that were reserved only for the cho-
        Handlová. As we approached the mansion using a        sen ones. Well, the times are changing, and today,
        bit of imagination, we moved to the 17th century      sometimes what might have been unimaginable is
        and we were horrified to see if a horde of janitors   sometimes possible. Who is afraid that he will lea-
        would rush from behind the corner. Fortunately, the   ve the whole monthly payout here for the menu will
        year is 2019 and the aforementioned threat has long   surely be surprised and will not leave this gourmet
        since passed. All the more we enjoyed the historic    paradise fasting. We therefore highly recommend vi-
        atmosphere  and the luxurious  environment of  the    siting the Aphrodite restaurant in the Cerenian man-
        Afrodita restaurant. Here you can always offer more   sion without hesitation.
        than you expect. After personal acquaintance with

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