Page 95 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 95

The dominant feature and main attraction of Toma-     time and find himself in the past for a while.
        sov has been the Baroque manor house situated         The vastness of the manor house, high ceilings, ela-
        in a magnificent large park for 250 years. He has a   borate artifacts, a beautifully maintained park, ama-
        rich history, has changed his owners several times    zing peace and tranquility everywhere. Full body
        during his existence and has been used for various    and soul balm. Staying at this wonderful hotel is tru-
        purposes. For example, during World War I he served   ly exclusive.
        as a field hospital and after the coup in 1948 he was   The rich breakfast for hotel guests, with attentive
        nationalized. A corrective-educational institute was   and discreet service, perfectly satisfied us. A private
        established in its premises.                          wine cellar, a summer terrace overlooking the Eng-
        Nowadays, new owners own this architectural jewel     lish park, an outdoor pool, a wellness area and a pri-
        after buying it from the last owners who got it back   vate car park give this „manor house“ the hallmark
        in restitution. Subsequently, careful and historical   of excellence and a sense of real luxury. For hotel
        artifacts, respecting the reconstruction of the de-   guests there are 20 rooms with 41 fixed beds with
        vastated manor house, brought fruit. We would like    extra bed.
        to take a closer look at the environment of Art Hotel   Art Hotel Kastiel offers the possibility of organizing
        Kaštieľ and bring you your personal experiences and   family celebrations, weddings, seminars, trainings
        experience from our short stay.                       and international conferences in its premises.
        It is a strange feeling to find ourselves in today‘s mo-  Definitely worth a try.
        dern and hurried times in the mansion where every
        perceptive visitor has the opportunity to move in

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