Page 91 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 91

Our second visit to the family restaurant Mlyn u      1. Chicken medallions on fine cauliflower purée with
        Anastázie in Pohranice near Nitra was again a very    roasted sweet potatoes and grilled fennel
        pleasant experience. After a telephone conversati-    green pepper sauce with cream
        on with a nice lady owner, we did not hesitate, and   2. Roasted leg of wild duck on roasted spinach ,
        in less than two hours we had the opportunity to      grilled pear, lavender reduction, butter potatoes
        taste excellent dishes prepared especially for us for   These dishes were deliciously prepared, very tasty
        the second time. Even though our preparations for     and beautifully arranged on a plate. Simply - great...
        the upcoming wedding culminated at the time of
        our arrival, after a warm welcome we settled in and   Then they brought us two desserts. Strawberry bis-
        offered us a menu of two main meals and two coffee    cuit from curd and mascarpone was also very tasty,
        desserts.                                             not too sweet and very „photogenic“.
        We were wondering what will surprise us this time     The second dessert was fried vanilla ice cream in co-
        because several months have passed since our          conut-corn crust, blueberry sauce, homemade whi-
        first visit. Remembering our first visit to this frien-  pped cream. This refined dessert also delighted all
        dly restaurant just gave us the best to expect. Even   our senses.
        though the weather outside was rainy and inhospi-
        table, the interior of the restaurant was immediately   We  photographed  our  gourmet  experiences.  We
        improved. While they were preparing meals for us in   know the proverb: „Once you see them better than
        the kitchen, the owner was dedicated to us. It wasn‘t   hear a hundred times“, this time we allow you to pa-
        long before the young, sympathetic waitress appro-    raphrase slightly: „And best of all to eat“
        ached our table with a smile, bringing us two main
        dishes first. For the sake of completeness, we menti-
        on their full names:

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