Page 89 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 89

Hardly any restaurant boasts such an attractive loca-  weddings. Dear, helpful and very well trained staff
        tion as Mlyn u Anastázie in Pohranice near Nitra. It   with a professional approach to meet the wishes of
        is located right next to the lake, which is full of fish   customers with elegance, promptness and prompt-
        and ducks.                                            ness, as a good restaurant belongs to. The favorite
        The building of the old refurbished mill was succe-   item on the plate is the wildlife, however adapted
        ssfully revived. Today, it houses an excellent restau-  to any way. It is known that local chefs, under the
        rant, which has become a popular place for rela-      leadership of Chef Maria Hlinka, can make it delici-
        xation and refreshment in a pleasant harmonious       ous. The sought-after specialties from the game will
        environment.  The view of the well-groomed lake-      delight the gourmet taste buds. Healthy and low ca-
        side calms the senses and inspires you to contem-     lorie game meat is known for its delicate texture and
        plate. The restaurant Mlyn u Anastázie has its own    specific taste. The true experience of enjoying this
        „genius loci“. It is particularly interesting to see the   delicacy is enhanced by the charming atmosphere
        water level of the lake from the roofed summer ter-   of the former mill and its nicely landscaped surroun-
        race. Customers like to go there not only because of   dings in the restaurant Mlyn u Anastázie. Experien-
        the pleasant environment, but mainly because the      ce gastronomy is now experiencing its „boom“. Eve-
        rumor of excellent cuisine got thanks to its quali-   ryone who can appreciate not only excellent food,
        ty to a wide awareness of satisfied customers from    but also the overall impression will find it here. The
        the near but also from the surrounding area. Its size   menu is designed so that everyone can choose it.
        ranks among larger enterprises of similar focus. The   Just come and choose according to your taste. The
        capacity of the main hall is 96 seats, the lounge on   portions are beautifully arranged on plates and of-
        the summer terrace over the water holds 20 guests,    fer an aesthetic experience for all senses. Our visit to
        the winter garden for another 30 and in the summer    the restaurant Mlyn u Anastázie was a confirmation
        season up to 80 guests. For children there is a chil-  of the fact that in Slovakia in the area of   gastronomy
        dren‘s terrace. It is an ideal place to organize smaller   ice was moved. May such interesting and high-qua-
        or larger family celebrations, corporate events or    lity facilities grow.

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