Page 85 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 85

When planning our trips to interesting gourmet lo-    cheeks, real veal steak, golden peppers, Tomahawk
        cations, we could not miss a visit to Nitra. This plea-  steak, sous –vide pork, grilled seafood, goat cheese
        sant and sympathetic town of Zobor boasts several     salad, horseradish and pumpkin seeds, cesar salad,
        excellent restaurants. However, when you want to      aglio-olio homemade spaghetti with olives, capers
        enjoy the delightful gourmet experiences combined     and parmesan, squid salad with basil and quinoa,
        with luxury and elegance, your steps should go to     and various desserts pumpkin-chocolate brownies
        the Zlatý Kľúčik hotel, namely its two restaurants Cle   with chestnut cream, caramel hazelnuts and cotton
        D´Or and Frenchie Terrasse furnished with genuine     candy, chocolate fruit cake and of course a French-
        genuine French charm and the elements of neo-ba-      -style dessert in the form of French cheese variation.
        roque.                                                For demanding businessmen it is possible to order a
        Hotel Zlatý Kľúčik is situated under Zobor. Wonder-   luxury business menu.
        ful view, which besides hotel guests can come here    They also bake their own bread and produce home-
        to enjoy the inhabitants of Nitra and its visitors, is   -made butter. They produce seasonal fruits and herbs
        another added value of this oasis of luxury and en-   in their own set. Interestingly, the local home-made
        joyable experiences. Under the baton of the local     bread is a popular delicacy, despite the tempting of-
        chef in the menu offers modern gastronomy and ex-     fer of other dishes. In addition to two restaurants,
        perience cuisine.                                     the Zlatý klíčik Hotel offers its guests the possibility
        In the menu we can find appealingly sounding na-      of accommodation, wellness, rooms for family, cor-
        mes of dishes, such as veal or beef tartare, carpaccio   porate or conference celebrations, a pleasant sitting
        venison, smoked eel, foie-gras (even foie-gras ice    in the Lobby Bar, or in the Cigar Lounge, where the
        cream), beef tails, „Golden Key“ fish soup, sous-vide   men‘s company. We liked it very much and therefore
        duck breasts from home, marinated wild boar, veal     we highly recommend visiting this exclusive hotel.

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