Page 83 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 83

When choosing our next destination, we were hel-      something to offer. Here they are guided by the slo-
        ped a little by the ancient folk song  „Nitra dear    gan „comprehensive services  in one package“. This
        Nitra“, especially its almost gloomy sound - „where   hotel is very modern yet cozy, so as soon as we en-
        are the times in which you bloomed“ ... he created    tered its premises, a pleasant interior caught our
        it, but we like current Nitra very much. It  is a mo-  attention.  The  Wellness Center and the Congress
        dern Slovak city with a famous history and beautiful   Center are part of the services offered. The quality
        surrounding nature. In addition, it holds one more    of  the hotel  guests  is  the quality of  the staff, who
        primate. It is the oldest town in Slovakia - the first   always find a way to meet the demanding and often
        confirmed historical references to it are from 828.   diverse requirements of their clients. Of course the-
        Today, its original inhabitants would certainly be a   re is a rich breakfast buffet, which by their offer far
        glimpse of how it has grown into beauty and what      exceeds the standard Slovak standard. There are also
        opportunities it offers to its inhabitants and visitors.   other top-quality restaurants and bars at the hotel,
        From the rich offer of accommodation and gastro-      welcoming guests who prefer variety and change.
        nomy Nitra, this time we were attracted by the hotel   The hotel‘s services also include its own event team,
        MIKADO ****, which is a dignified representative of   various additional services and assistance. 54 non-
        modern architecture and business style. The playful   -stop monitored parking spaces are available for
        element present everywhere will help you get away     motorized hotel visitors. Other parking options are
        from everyday worries. The concept of MIKADO ****     in the city car park in front of the hotel. Visiting the
        addresses various categories of clients and each has   Mikado Hotel in Nitra is definitely worth a try.

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