Page 79 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 79

In Bojnice we had the opportunity to visit the Alej restaurant,   customers, we can also mention a few international „liquids“.
        where they focus on a wide clientele.                 „“ Echt gute Küche, sehr empfehlenswert .... regional and
        It is a family restaurant led by his wife Ivana, owner and   saisonal gestaltende Speisekarte ... „or Spanish compliment:“
        chef in one person, with rich gastronomy experience - Mr.   Comida muy rica y el personal amable ... “Attentive service,
        Marek Karaka. This popular spa town has many attractions,   rich portions, regional and seasonal specialties, is just part of
        whether it‘s a famous Bojnice castle or a zoo, which is a   the foreign customer‘s insights. The friendly staff is a matter
        frequent destination and reason for visiting domestic and   of course in this establishment, and it was not the same in
        foreign tourists. After seeing the city‘s attractions or, on the   the Alej restaurant. Optimistic, smiling and responsive staff
        other hand, before exploring it, everyone can relax and sit   is an important element that makes each restaurant more
        in a good restaurant, where they will be able to get to know   attractive. The popularity and good taste of this Bojnice
        more about Bojnice and its surroundings. The Alej Restau-  restaurant is evidenced by the forthcoming participation of
        rant is well located for all attractions. Outside the inconspi-  the President of the Slovak Union of Cooks and Confectio-
        cuous, inside-modern restaurant thanks to the open kitchen   ners, Mr. Vojta Arzt, also known from television screens at her
        concept, it gives its customers the opportunity to watch the   family party Aleje. Based on the impressions of our visit, we
        chef while preparing meals, which is trustworthy. In the Alley   can also confirm that this establishment is good for Slovak
        we liked the interior furnishings in which the harmony of the   gastronomy, which is particularly pleasing for a restaurant
        accessories with the restaurant environment is harmoniously   located in a well-known and attractive location, which is one
        combined. Everything shines with newness and purity.  of the most visited and popular in Slovakia.
        They cook here in a modern and healthy way, using fresh   When planning your nearest trip to Bojnice, be sure to visit
        ingredients from local suppliers and growers, emphasizing   this modern and delicious restaurant. Our tasting, which
        the aesthetics of arranging dishes on the plates, thereby sig-  they presented to us in the Alley did not leave us in doubt
        nificantly increasing their attractiveness to customers. This   that they can take good care of their guests here. The
        is evidenced by the positive reactions of satisfied clients on   tempting scent, delicious flavors and appealing looks of the
        Facebook. In addition to many positive reviews from Slovak   dishes left us an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84