Page 59 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 59

When Slovak Grob is said, every good gourmet with     spaces are enriched by an exceptional exhibition of
        a bit of imagination will immediately start to smell   folk-modern paintings. At the end there is a lounge,
        an irresistibly tempting scent of baked goose, gna-   for real connoisseurs. Here you will find cigars, cog-
        wing at his stomach and emptying it. After all, the   nacs and rums of various premium brands, including
        tradition of baking the goose in this nice village has   those whose price tag is up to several thousand eu-
        become  a term not  only for  Slovak gourmets, but    ros. There are also various tastings organized with
        also for many foreign guests, who are coming back     expert commentary. In addition to the goose, the
        here repeatedly and enthusiastically. We could not    restaurant serves a year-round A la carte at a high
        miss such a feast and we decided to visit this gour-  level. The chef, as well as Mrs. Kissling, who is the
        met destination. We chose the Beerhouse at Golden     owner, is enjoying the gastronomy and hotel indu-
        Husi. It is a nice family business with a long tradi-  stry. These professions have become their mission,
        tion of Husacin and gastronomy. Immediately after     which is also seen in the testing and testing of new
        coming to operation, we were fascinated by the        combinations of flavors and fragrances, simply - the-
        beautiful and picturesque, sunny garden with the      re is no limit to imagination. As an example we can
        possibility of dining. We will also stay in the dining   mention bryndza ice cream, ice cream with truffle,
        room, because the premises of U Zlatej Husi are ma-   dessert table show and it goes beyond experiential
        gical. In the lower part, besides the aforementioned   and molecular gastronomy with the preservation of
        beautiful garden, there is an indoor and outdoor      traditional style. We had the opportunity to taste the
        covered restaurant. For special occasions there are   goose, which we can evaluate overall as excellent. It
        private rooms with a tasting cellar. They are excepti-  is difficult to describe the taste and the overall ex-
        onally furnished and ready to meet the demands of     perience, so we recommend to survive on our own.
        even the most demanding clients. In a room whose      The U Zlatej Husi cellar in Slovenský Grob was awar-
        temperature is adequate and adapted for archiving     ded the title „World Champion“ in the preparation
        wines, besides a wide range of Slovak wine produc-    of a traditional meal that was won in Seoul in 2011.
        tion, we can also find archive, even limited, pieces of   We strongly recommend you to visit it, of course the
        the last bottles, eg. from 1966 and the like. On the   date and reservation must be arranged in advance.
        first floor there is a bar with various events. These

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