Page 63 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 63

There are places that a person likes to return to, and   well-chosen wine and homemade bread, it will sa-
        it is not just by chance. We are returning to where we   tisfy even the most demanding gourmet.  Yummy
        have experienced something pleasant, important,       ... Cuvée Golden Goose from the Wine Black Wine,
        or exceptional. We also included our visit to the Piv-  which complemented this dish, offered us a goo-
        nica Restaurant near the Golden Goose in Slovenský    se roast. Then our great surprise was followed by a
        Grob. We were very excited about the second visit to   further run in the form of world-famous Wellington.
        this famous family business and we were wondering     There is controversy about the origin of this special-
        what will surprise us this time. We were already fa-  ty, in any case, it is a refined recipe in which genui-
        miliar with the premises from our first visit and once   ne beef sirloin, coated with French mustard in a puff
        again we were filled with pleasant feelings from the   pastry jacket, under which an interlayer of (secret)
        harmonious environment of the U Zlatej Husi pub.      ingredients is wrapped and thin slices of English ba-
        In places where one feels comfortable, other expe-    con is hidden. , or Parma ham. Really ideal food for
        riences become even more powerful. This experien-     a solemn board. Given that this well-known food in
        ce also applied to our second visit. After welcoming   Pivnice U Zlatej Husi usually does not offer, if you
        with owner Dana Kissling, they settled us in the first   would like to try something unconventional in Slo-
        floor. When choosing a menu for tasting we agreed     venský Grob - order for a candle-shaped Wellington
        that  this  time  it  would  be  interesting  to  taste  so-  should be announced in advance. But that wasn‘t all.
        mething unconventional. An excellent goose that       We had another unusual run - Burger Golden Goo-
        we already had the opportunity to taste at our first   se with home-made French fries made from goose
        visit this time dignified „appetizer“ appetizer in the   meat and goose liver. Great and very original. Finally,
        form of delicate and delicate delicacy - goose ro-    they offered us a popcorn ice cream that had a very
        ast from the fed goose. The fact that just because    distinctive and interesting taste. We had the oppor-
        of this delicacy some guests are willing to come by   tunity to taste such ice cream for the first time and
        far speak for themselves. The unmistakably delicate   we enjoyed it very much. We were happy to say that
        flavor of roast that literally melts on your tongue is   the Slovak Grob is no longer „just“ going to goose.
        a true gourmet experience. In combination with a      We recommend visiting the U Zlatej Husi Beerhouse.

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