Page 185 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 185

The Eastern Slovak metropolis of Košice is a city with an exam-  Beef broth, garlic, bean, handle, or cabbage - a simple clas-
        ple of a renovated historical part. Walking through its streets   sic proven. After all, our wise ancestors have already said that
        is very pleasant and full of photogenic corners. On the main   „soup is grunt“ - and this wisdom has not lost anything up to
        street, which is a thoroughfare and exhibition center of the   date to this day. Before every beer „marathon“ it is always ne-
        center of Košice, there are, in addition to the sensitively recon-  cessary to strengthen properly. Among Slovak-Czech special-
        structed historical buildings, several interesting restaurants   ties, even today, a little underestimated, but in our memories
        and restaurants with a gastronomic focus.             indelibly written and typically „our“ specialty, which you will
        On this street we can also find the Staromestská brewery in   not find anywhere else in the world - (previously with French
        Košice,  which  is  housed  in  a  former  burgher  house  on  the   fries) and tartar sauce. While some contemptuously burst out
        street number 104 and is a cultural monument. Therefore, we   only when the name of this food is pronounced, most of the
        could not miss a great opportunity to admire the restored ar-  consumers of „fry“ can still not do so. It‘s up to you to which
        chitecture of the ancient times and also to „restore“ it.  side to join. Another typical Slovak-Czech or Czech-Slovak
        Inside, everything is as if you were in one of the sophisticated   favorite is the Montenegrin steak. Lovers of hearty and tasty
        cozy pubs of Prague. Wooden board flooring, wooden tables   Czech cuisine can also order other iconic dishes of our wes-
        and chairs, wooden wall coverings, vaulted ceiling floor. The   tern neighbors - a candle in cream sauce with dumplings, a
        draft  counter  shines  with  purity,  stylish „chandeliers“  hang   roasted Moravian sparrow with cabbage and dumplings, old
        from the ceiling, framed historical photographs hang on the   Prague roast beef or a good portion of roast pork knee. Mum-
        walls. This almost perfect illusion of the past is only disturbed   mers also do not go empty, pancakes with a variety of fillings
        by the LCD TV - unfortunately, the inevitable prop of every   await.
        restaurant nowadays. The staff of the company is responsive,   Staropramen 10 °, or 12 °, unfiltered, soft and dark Belgian Le-
        nice and sympathetic - as every good restaurant belongs to.   ffe is tapped. Who likes unusual beer tastes can order fruit 10
        In the menu you will find a classic and centuries-old offer of   ° specials. The menu and drinks menu is multilingual, proving
        beer „bites“, which include drowned, pickled Camembert, bra-  the fact that Kosice is an international metropolis. Our posi-
        wn, jelly and homemade pates. Of course, everything is ho-  tive experience from visiting the Old Town Brewery in Košice
        me-made. Customers who are unable to deny a large soup   is also a recommendation for you.
        will find several species here - one is better than the other.

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