Page 187 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 187

The Green Lagoon Hotel on the shore of the Veľká      appetizers such as smoked knee served as terrine,
        Domaša reservoir in the Prešov region is a popular    celery remoulade, rosehip gel, homemade bread, or
        place for relaxation and relaxation. Of course, there   smoked  trout with  sweet  sour carrots,  horseradish
        is also a varied offer of gastronomic services in the   créme fraiche and mangalice powder. Between the
        form of a restaurant, a Lobby Bar and a wine bar with   soups we found a strong beef broth with julienne
        a lounge. We had the opportunity to get acquainted    vegetables and liver dumplings, or mushroom „Ma-
        with the environment of the hotel restaurant, which   čanku“  from  dried  mushroom  mushrooms  served
        serves guests, but also all other visitors who have   with homemade bread. In the main dishes we found
        decided to spend their free time at Domaša and in     specialties from chicken, pork, beef and veal, fish
        the vicinity. Great, spacious and bright - so we could   dishes, various kinds of pasta, salads and desserts.
        briefly and aptly characterize the first impressions   The names and composition of several dishes were
        that the restaurant impressed upon us when we         inspired  by  the  world-renowned  French  cuisine.
        went in. The device is modern, tasteful and evokes a   There is also a rich selection of non-alcoholic and al-
        pleasant, optimistic mood. In the menu, in addition   coholic beverages, including the popular hint of the
        to the usual menu, we also found regional special-    famous American movie star Marylin Monroe - Dom
        ties such as fried pork cutlets with potato salad, or   Perignon. A piece of beautiful nature in eastern Slo-
        gnocchi  with  sheep  cheese,  bacon  and  créme  frai-  vakia, professional services of a high standard, great
        che. We were also impressed by the sheep cheese       cuisine and nice staff are enough reason to visit. We
        panna cotta in bryndza foam, dried ham powder         will definitely be happy to come back here.
        and quail eggs loaded in beetroot.  There are also

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