Page 103 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 103

In the historic premises of the Renaissance manor     whoever tastes it will find love for life. The luxurious,
        house in LedniceRovn to which the Cristallo restau-   even exclusive interior of our restaurant has made
        rant has been moved is cooked to a high standard.     our excellent food experience even more interesting
        While this restaurant has been active only recently   and we realized that such top-notch (nowadays, ra-
        and except                                            ther the use of premium) restaurants would be more
        The daily menu also offers its guests a variety of    in Slovakia. with vegetables that could not be bla-
        specialties, such as pork doll prepared by the Sous   med.
        vide method on a parsley purée with finely blanched   The food on the plate attracted only by its appea-
        vegetables and demi glace reduction. The pork loin    rance, the green peas contrasted nicely with the red
        prepared in this way (thanks to this method (seve-    carrot and the filet of the zander was one poem. The
        ral hours of exposure of the meat to heat in a water   attendant took good care of us and allowed us to
        bath in vacuum bags) softens and at the same time     feel like a gastronomic paradise. In a word - great.
        retains its natural taste and juice, literally melting on   With its capacity of 50 seats, it is the perfect place to
        the tongue. It is a technologically and time-consu-   host  family  celebrations,  weddings  and  anniversa-
        ming process, but the result is worth it. Although this   ries, which is equally suitable for organizing corpo-
        method of cooking food was created in the 1960s,      rate events. The historical environment of the manor
        as an ideal way of preparing cosmonaut dishes in      house in Lednické Rovne is very inspiring and extre-
        space, its journey to high gastronomy continued for   mely suitable for culinary experiments and gastro-
        another thirty years. We had the opportunity to tas-  nomic experience.
        te this extraordinary meal and we can confirm that

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