Page 107 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 107

In Banská Štiavnica, there are several interesting re-  divina, goulashes and other jewels of Slovak gastro-
        unions that take place worth visiting. Our choice this   nomy are prepared and served here with love, which
        time fell to the Terrace Restaurant at Blaškov, which   is no phrase, but pure truth. For lovers of fragrance
        is located in a nice location overlooking the near-   and the crunchy grilled young pig we also have
        by forest and from the other side on favorite Lake    good news. Here he is they prepare especially tasty,
        Počúvadlo. The stove serves personally in this family   literally melting on the tongue. This attraction ho-
        restaurant Mrs. owner with her husband. If you want   me-made guy on oak wood 8 to 12 hours by piggy
        to enjoy the original local traditional cuisine - this is   weight.  This  The delicacy is prepared only during
        the right place for your visit, the Terrace Restaurant  the summer season on Saturday accompanied by
        Blaškov is certified as a traditional Hontian restau-  various music groups and other cultural programs.
        rant. Meals are here prepared according to old ori-   Terrace Terrace at Blaškov it also offers its own acco-
        ginal recipes - just like ours grandmothers (for the   mmodation in pleasant rooms overlooking the lake
        younger generation of great-grandmother).  This       Počúvadlo. In conclusion, there is nothing left to re-
        tasty,  albeit  quite hearty diet  literally  puts you  on   commend you to visit this a nice gastronomic facility
        your feet. Traditional soups, snails, bats, pies, cubes,   in the lap of nature.

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