Page 55 - Bedeker_2020.indd
P. 55
Restaurant Pivnica u zlatej husi, located right at the be- do best if you can choose from an experienced sommelier.
ginning of the village, if you come from Vajnor or Pezi-
nok. In this family restaurant, the fourth generation has In addition to traditional goose delicacies you can taste
been passing on a secret family recipe that ensures that other amazing specialties in the Golden Goose Pub. For
the goose is properly baked and its liver melts directly on example, they have great beef steaks from the meats
the tongue. Combining the best of tradition and modern of noble breeds (Kobe, Wagyu) and the “Golden Goose”
gastronomic practices has brought this restaurant many steak with foie gras and batat puree.
important gastronomic awards and the favor of domestic
and foreign guests who come here repeatedly to enjoy a This specialty has not only gold in its name, but it is also
royal feast in a charming, stylish environment with per- truly gold, because the surface of this steak is coated with
fect service. a layer of edible 24-carat gold. Among the desserts we
can find traditional specialties of Slovak cuisine - home-
Traditional feast in the Golden Goose Pub usually starts -made strudel, elbow with a doctor and poppy, which are
with a strong broth of goose offal and a delectable speci- irresistible temptations for every diner. We should also
alty - a fat goose liver, which is prepared here either tradi- point out that the restaurant‘s chef is Miroslav Pospech.
tionally or grilled on a caramelized apple with cranberry
sauce and toast. Then comes the golden-baked, wonder- This is usually followed by a coffee, and some experts
fully scented and crispy grobo royal goose with home- recommend that the Lucca feast be finished with a “ca-
made pancakes and stewed red cabbage. bbage” homemade plum brandy. If you have not yet visi-
ted the Pivnica u Zlatej husi restaurant in Slovensky Grob,
Such goose feasts inherently include wine, which literally you should do so as soon as possible. A gourmet adven-
„flows“. The offer is so rich (200 kinds of domestic and fo- ture awaits you.
reign wines, including rare archives “pieces”) that you can