Page 7 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 7

An interesting Dolnozemská Tavern is located in Bra-  rant has already found its customers and customers
        tislava‘s historic center of Panská. Its owner came up   have „found“ their restaurant. At present it is one of
        with an original concept of the presentation of the   the most popular gastronomic facilities in the area.
        cuisine of the Dutch in the Netherlands, living in Ro-
        mania, Serbia and Hungary. The chef is Tibor Weisz    The menu is still improving according to the custo-
        with international experience. Among other things,    mer‘s preferences, the favorites and the desired fo-
        he also cooked in Budapest at Bock Bisztró, which     ods include mangalica appetizers, Jókai bean soup,
        received BibGourmand, which is at a reasonable pri-   veal paprika with gnocchi, beef gnocchi, duck leg
        ce in the Michelin Guide for a restaurant that boasts   with bryndza crackers, or homemade slices. The de-
        top cooking.                                          sire to experiment is also a very important element
        The interior of the Dolnozem Tavern is cozy and har-  in making progress. As an example, we can men-
        monious, with wooden floors, wooden chairs and        tion the unusual panna cotta of žinčice. Of course
        tables, with a white-vaulted vaulted ceiling. Indeed,   in such a restaurant there is a rich wine card and a
        it is very tastefully and yet sensitively incorporated   large selection of quality distilleries. An experienced
        into the historic building of the building, which da-  sommelier will advise you on your choice and you
        tes back to 1320.                                     can look forward to tasting. We had the opportunity
        Dolnozemská Tavern is an attractive business where    to taste the menu consisting of foie gras appetizer,
        they are very keen on feedback from customers and     celery cream soup, chicken paprika with polenta, fo-
        therefore it is not unusual for the owner to find out   llowed by the dessert haluška Šomló and finally we
        about their guests as they like and ask them about    presented a selection of Slovak cheeses. The tasting
        their opinions. All of the ingredients used in the kit-  menu was very well designed, all dishes tastefully
        chen come from local suppliers. The way to make a     balanced and aesthetically arranged on the plates.
        restaurant in this exposed place one of the flouris-  It is gratifying that in Bratislava we have another ex-
        hing businesses is first and foremost the selection of   cellent restaurant right in the historic center, where
        quality staff, professionalism and perseverance.      we can invite our friends and acquaintances.
        It was successful in the Dolnozem Tavern. The restau-

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