Page 5 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 5

In Bratislava on Michalska Street, which is a mandatory stop for   wever, they are easily digestible, with very popular combinations
        foreign visitors to Bratislava, there is a very pleasant and pleasant   of unusual fragrances and tastes nowadays, ingeniously combi-
        Bistro and a café with the apt name Enjoy. Many busy visitors   ned from healthy ingredients that are created with an emphasis
        pass through this busy street in the historic center every day and   on nutritional value and aesthetic appeal. We are convinced that
        many of them want to sit in a good address and stay in the center   tastefully nicely arranged and temptingly looking foods tempt
        of the event. It has to be acknowledged that every detail has been   even those who originally came here just to have a good coffee.
        taken care of in the Bistro and Cafe Enjoy. When arranging this   The ability to purchase genuine home accessories would be hard
        business, the creators used the elements of modern design to   to find in another business of similar focus, as well as browsing
        create a very cozy interior that, with its simplicity and attractive,   in your own fashion magazine that is available to customers. Du-
        light-hearted appearance, catches every passer-by, whether do-  ring the summer months, you can sit right on the street under the
        mestic or foreign. They offer organic coffee with or without ca-  big umbrellas and enjoy even more busy atmosphere Michalska
        ffeine, organic tea, homemade cakes and healthy snacks, but you   Street from the position of observer of events around. A young,
        can also have breakfast or lunch here. Dishes are always prepa-  ambitious team of Bistros and Cafe Enjoy has created a spirit of
        red from fresh ingredients to the order, so the customer is sure   creativity and playfulness in this type of business. By their posi-
        that the table will receive freshly prepared food. In the menu, the   tive attitude to life, they contribute to making the name „Enjoy“
        menu is compiled with regard to the different preferences and   not just an empty phrase, but a real fulfillment of their mission.
        tastes of the customers. Not only lovers of strong English-style   Come and enjoy the true „shaggy“ atmosphere with a photoge-
        breakfasts, but also vegans, vegetarians and celiacs, as well as   nic view of the iconic Michael‘s Gate and recharge your batteries
        lovers of a healthy lifestyle, will find something to do here. Ho-  in the Bistro and Cafe Enjoy on Michalska Street in Bratislava.

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