Page 65 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 65

Our steps went to the American restaurant Ame-        the level and quality of prepared meals is worth it.
        rikanos  in  Malacky.  The  restaurant  is  modern  and   We also pay attention to the fact that the restaurant
        original in American style.  Very nice staff at this   produces all its own and uses fresh ingredients, ie
        establishment will offer you a choice of classic Ame-  no semi-finished products. The burger buns are from
        rican specialties such as burgers, a specialty mix of   a  local  supplier  who  prepares  the  bun  exclusively
        chicken and beef burgers, various sandwiches, hot     for the restaurant. The cleanliness of the operation
        dogs to choose from steaks, wings, ribs and Ameri-    is good. Overall, we recommend tons of traffic and
        can desserts in the form of pancakes or french toast.   let‘s say that it is the best burger in the area within
        The menu is tuned to the American style and eve-      and around Malacica. We recommend to taste ho-
        ryone will come to it because there is plenty to cho-  memade Ranch and Buffalo Chili Sauces.
        ose from. Portions and food prices are higher, but

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