Page 35 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 35

As we have already written in previous articles, the   and taste of Indian cuisine. But if you decide to take
        city of Trnava, also called the Slovak Rome, boasts   a risk and try to prepare a genuine Indian meal at
        an  increasing  number  of  fine  restaurants.  After  vi-  home, follow the instructions from the cookbook
        siting Shivana Halenárska Street, we can confirm      or from the internet, get ready to never be the ri-
        that they have added another.  The world-famous       ght nut. Recipes for well-known Indian food have
        Indian cuisine is known for its intense spicy scent   been created very long ago, and every step you miss
        and great diversity, depending on which region of     when preparing you will result in more of the end
        India the food comes from. Spices such as turme-      result than you might expect. However, we have
        ric, coriander, Roman caraway, cardamom, chilli,      good news for you. Who wants to enjoy real Indian
        saffron, fennel, anise, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, star   cuisine, just go to the Indian restaurant Shiva in
        anise, or matal bloom are the most commonly used.     Trnava, because the dishes are prepared by origi-
        Spices such as naan, korma are well known among       nal Indian staff. The possibility of organizing social
        lovers of great Indian food. , vindalou, tandoori, ti-  events, family celebrations, or corporate parties in
        kka masala, curry, samosa, as well as various popu-   the restaurant, or smaller events in the lounge will
        lar yoghurt, onion, or tomato spice sauces soaked     certainly please those who want for their friends, co-
        in pieces of meat and vegetables, the refreshing yo-  lleagues or family members to prepare an unusual
        ghurt drink lassi, the pungent fruit chutney tasty J?).  surprise in the form of exotic Indian cuisine tasting.
        This varied variety of ingredients and procedures     Of course there are also cathering services. Who will
        to prepare Indian dishes creates a distinctive scent   taste Indian food once will love it forever. Try it too.

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