Page 17 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 17

The BENIHANA Bratislava Restaurant on Hlboká ces-     their eyes showing virtuosity and juggling not only
        ta is relatively quietly hidden in a historic building   with kitchen utensils but also with the word. He con-
        on a hill. But do not be mistaken for the inconspi-   trols several world languages   and sings a few world-
        cuous entrance. Once you get in and go down the       -famous hits for better digestion. Adding to this the
        stairs, you‘ll find yourself in a completely different   brilliant blurring of the pyrotechnic effects of flam-
        world.  The interior is pleasantly modern, but not    béing and volleyball with shrimp tails, we do not
        extravagant. Benihana means a Japanese red flo-       wonder that most visitors‘ mouths remain open du-
        wer and if you look for a moment, your eyes cannot    ring the show, so just put the juicy and crunchy bites
        escape the presence of this symbol in different parts   into them with the prepared sticks. We recommend
        of the interior and as part of a spread. The attentive   to taste the whole four-course menu consisting of
        staff will set you behind the table and you will rece-  soup, fresh mixed salad, grilled vegetables and main
        ive a short lecture on the history of the Benihana re-  course of your choice.  They include chicken, beef
        staurant network, which was founded in 1964 in the    and fish, as well as seafood. A great vegetable menu
        USA, from where it has gradually expanded to other    is available for vegetarians. Those who do not have
        continents. The uniqueness of the concept lies in the   enough of them can order delicious sushi and Japa-
        original approach to the customer who (unwillingly)   nese desserts, which tend to drink delicious tongu-
        becomes a part of the cook show, right in front of    es with delicious and healthy Japanese green tea.

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