Page 19 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 19

If we were to choose a restaurant in Bratislava,      pected expectations. It is mainly focused on Me-
        which is at first glance inconspicuous, but even      diterranean cuisine with a gentle touch of stre-
        more  presented  by  a thoroughly thought-out         etfoot. We were pleasantly surprised by nice and
        concept, it would certainly include the Savage        attentive service. The restaurant‘s premises are
        Garden Restaurant & Bar in Freedom Square.            modern, but not „cold“ furnished, very attractive
        Exceptional location on the famous Bratislava         and  contribute  to  make  every  guest  feel  com-
        square called. the former „Gottwald“ and the Sa-      fortable here. After a good meal, you can move
        vage Garden Restaurant & Cafe offering excep-         to the bar area where there is a great choice of
        tional service to its visitors: „Perfect Symbiosis“.   delicious and refreshing drinks and a diverse se-
        Everything starts when you enter Savage Garden        lection of alcohol. After our visit and time spent
        and don‘t stop when you leave. Open kitchen in        in Savage Garden, we have nothing else to say
        the restaurant is proof that they have nothing to     about our satisfaction and highly recommend it.
        hide. The menu is designed to meet your unex-

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