Page 13 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 13

The memorials of times, when the bananas were in      Bratislava,  but also  dark Kozel, Pilsen, unpasteuri-
        long rows, for the summer vacation to Yugoslavia,     zed  and  unfiltered  MamutBeer  beer,  or  a  monthly
        it was necessary to get the so-called. „Foreign ex-   special Choice of Brewers. Beer is tapped here as
        change promise“, foreign goods were only behind       in the best Czech pubs with the style of snitch or
        the bons in Tuzex stores and everything was contro-   smoothing. Of course there is a rich offer of qua-
        lled by one unnamed political party, fortunately they   lity spirits of domestic and foreign production.
        are long behind us. Yet, even then, there were little   In addition to excellent beer, they come here for de-
        „islets of joy“ for frustrated citizens. One of them   licious grilled ribs, or beef tartar, which is a popular
        was the pub „Old Malt House“ famously nicknamed       and sought-after specialty of this company. There is
        Mammoth.  This nickname is due to its enormous        also a daily lunch menu. The environment, capacity
        size and capacity that had no competition in the      and large-screen screens allow for comfortable vie-
        former Czechoslovakia. After all, judge for yourself.   wing of sports broadcasts even for larger groups, as
        There was a place for 1200 guests on three floors,    well as space for corporate or family celebrations.
        with another 400 seats on the summer terrace.
        Compared to the past, the current capacity of 250     With a certain amount of nostalgia, we have to say
        seats might seem undersized to some, but even to-     that although the atmosphere of the former times is
        day, Mamut Pub is still one of the largest and most   already irreversible to the past, some of the original
        popular beer houses in Bratislava. In the beer menu   genius loci of the brewery at Mamut has remained to
        there is an exceptional unpasteurized Kozel direct-   this day. It is still a place where people meet every day
        ly from the tank, spun over the shortest tubes in     to eat, talk and entertain at the glass of good beer.

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