Page 121 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 121

Customers can enjoy in the Nimnica hut between Pú-    grilled smoked cheese is pleasantly „creaking“ be-
        chov and Považská Bystrica enjoy fresh home-made      tween teeth, although its consistency is supple, it
        products  from  sheep‘s  milk  from  their  own  farm.   does not flow and the taste is very specific, sloppy,
        During our second visit, we had a chance to taste     with a strong smell of smell. Ideal combination the
        them. About excellent sheep cheese dumplings We       smoked cheese thus prepared is blueberry, blackbe-
        have already written here. We didn‘t ask for a recipe,   rry, or cranberry jam, optionally compote. Who once
        so we don‘t know completely to accurately describe    tastes this delicacy will forever succumb to its charm
        the workflow in their production, in any case they    as we did. During the main tourist season, the offer
        were well prepared and very tasty. Although our       of the Nimnica mountain hut restaurant is extended
        national food looks fairly simple on the plate, it can   with the sale of products from sheep‘s milk. Fresh
        be estimated potatoes and flour to make a gnocchi     or smoked sheep cheese, 100% sheep sheep cheese,
        journey without using eggs; into it all, add a real   cheesecake. Possibility to buy home-made products
        bryndza made from unpasteurized sheep‘s milk all      are a unique opportunity to taste honestly made ge-
        over it finally sprinkle with roasted home smoked     nuine Slovak specialties, to which we can be rightly
        bacon so that it is neither too little nor too much   proud and are a typical representative Slovak gast-
        and to keep them from being too thick or too thin,    ronomy. Various social or family celebrations can be
        they should not be diluted with cream, but with wa-   organized in Nimnica. It is planned to expand the
        ter in which cooked gnocchi - requires a fortune and   range of services on the ground floor directly in the
        rich experience. But this time we tasted the grilled   restaurant building. We highly recommend visiting
        homemade  cheese  and  this  delicacy  excited  us  so   this nice business.
        much that this food was one of our favorite. right

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