Page 179 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 179

During our trip to Kosice we stopped in a distinctive   a very high level. Willingness, smile and promptness,
        koliba Ožďany, which is located between Rimavská      these are the inevitable qualities of serving staff to-
        Sobota and Lučenec. It is built in a rustic folk style   day and are as important as the quality of food.
        and already from a distance welcomes its attractive   Nothing was missing in the menu, which makes a
        appearance of passers-by, or rather „around“, carry-  good kolibu even better by colliding, and after or-
        ing motorized passengers. Before the hut is the po-   dering the meal, it is no longer necessary to glean,
        ssibility of outdoor seating and of course there is   because Pavlov‘s reflex also applies to people. The
        also  a  spacious  car  park  for  visitors. When  we  got   capacity of Koliba in Ožďany is 120 seats on two flo-
        in, we felt like we were in film studios. For exam-   ors, there are another 40 seats on the summer terra-
        ple, they could make a film about Janosik, who was    ce. The Koliba also includes a separate room, the so-
        thrown under the feet of the peas he slipped on. The   -called „banquet“, which can accommodate another
        distinctive wooden interior immediately evoked the    35 guests.
        right atmosphere. Wooden benches, wooden tables,      Our attention was not drawn to the fact that the
        wooden  wall  paneling,  wooden  boarded  ceilings    attendant was dressed in folk costume just as it had
        with wooden windows and wooden floors - this is       been. Nice and last but not least a very good mar-
        what every good chalet should look like. The whole    keting move. Before the upcoming summer season,
        thing is very calming and cozy, so every guest has    a visit to Koliba in Ožďany is our hot type, especia-
        to be here from the moment he comes in, like visi-    lly for those visitors who would like to show tourists
        ting Grandma. What the crew attendant is, too, is at   from abroad something of a typical Slovak nature.

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