Page 131 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 131

On the main road between Slovakia and the Czech       customers who are coming back here. From the rich
        Republic, directly at the former customs (Makov bor-  menu of this restaurant, we had the opportunity to
        der crossing), there is a popular Trojačka Restaurant   taste „duo cremre“ soup, leek and tomato soup in the
        on the large parking lot. A very nice and modernly    back spacious and modern lounge, entrecode steak
        furnished restaurant, which offers not only traditi-  served with homemade toasted gnocchi and spicy
        onal favorites, but also specialties Martin Cyprich   oyster and pork doll ,, sous- vide ”served with she-
        - executive chef, who has long worked in world-       ep cheese sauce and potato pancake. Unpasteurised
        -famous restaurants as well as in the Principality of   bryndza from Salaš Nimnica was used for the sauce.
        Monaco, follows the latest trends in local as well as   During the season, the customers of Trojačka have
        international gastronomy and participates in va-      the opportunity to buy quality sheep products from
        rious professional seminars, courses and training in   their own shepherd‘s farm (sheep farm) from March
        the world of modern gastronomy. He presents his       to October, which is also part of the Salaš Nimnica
        gastronomic  art as  an international, modern and     restaurant. Also in this period, the offer is enriched
        experiential kitchen. The menu as well as the whole   with specialties from these homemade products. Our
        concept is set up so that every customer can cho-     tastes, visual, taste and inspiration are very good to
        ose according to their taste and wallet. From tradi-  excellent. People in the Trojačka restaurant say „they
        tional  dishes to specialty gourmet specialties and   go with the times“ and first of all think about how to
        gastronomic delights. All ingredients are fresh and   best satisfy their demanding customers. During our
        high quality. In this operation you will not find any   visit we did not find any shortcomings, we evaluate
        blanks, the chef conscientiously prepares everything   the attitude of the staff and the restaurant at a very
        himself. The basis of a good restaurant is well played   good, even excellent level.  We were very satisfied
        by the enthusiasm for its profession in which it seeks   with the restaurants. Our tip for you is to taste the
        to constantly improve. These very important factors   homemade gnocchi and bryndza of your own pro-
        then create the right atmosphere in the Trojačka re-  duction from their second plant Nimnica.
        staurant, the overall impression and a lot of satisfied

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