Page 225 - Bedeker_2020.indd
P. 225
In the historical building of the Levočský House in Ko- attraction for irreparable hungry hunters is the multi-par-
šice there is now a brewery pub where brewing and ty logos, amazing steaks and the English classic Fish and
tapping of excellent unpasteurized and unfiltered beer is Chips. It is cooked from fresh ingredients, meat is purcha-
preserved, in which all health-beneficial substances are sed from proven domestic suppliers, and customers can
preserved. For the sake of completeness, we add that his look forward to seasonal specialties. Food preparation is
regular drinking (of course with wisdom) helps better di- influenced by the chef‘s art and imagination, so some of
gestion, benefits the heart, has a calming effect on the them never have to repeat themselves, giving them a ha-
nervous system, gives the body the lack of energy, or llmark of excellence. The desserts offer us home made ice
even slows down aging. Hostinec Pivovar has a restaurant cream, which is a local specialty, which you will not get
with an unusual menu. In the menu we find meals that elsewhere. Pub Brewery is a business that you should not
we remember from childhood, eg. bread in egg, or fusion miss when visiting Košice.
of traditional Slovak cuisine with modern trends. A great