Page 181 - Bedeker_2020.indd
P. 181
On the way to Demanovska Valley we visited the restau- the fact that they will be prepared by brand technology.
rant Pinus, which is located in the beautiful natural envi- Josper, which is a combination of oven and grill in one
ronment of the Low Tatras. It provides its customers with appliance for 100% charcoal. Meals prepared in this way
high-quality gastronomic services amidst beautiful scene- gain their unmistakable flavor and juiciness. The restau-
ry in attractive spaces with modern design. The concept rant offers a quality wine card, which includes wines of
of fusion of international cuisine with original recipes, the domestic and international brands. Occasionally there are
use of modern technologies and quality ingredients from various culinary and social events with the participation
selected domestic and world suppliers brought a fresh of famous personalities. Attentive service, delicious food,
breeze to the gastronomic map of Slovakia. During the modern design and attractive surroundings are a prere-
summer season, guests can enjoy sitting on the terrace quisite for the ever-growing circle of satisfied customers,
overlooking the lake and the air-conditioned interior of among whom we have joined.
the restaurant. Lovers of grilled specialties will appreciate