Page 167 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 167

This time ours went to the Tatras, where we stopped   the unconventional spaghetti allio olio was a great
        at steak house Ponderossa. At first glance, an incon-  and top-notch combination that played a wonder-
        spicuous  operation  that  captivated  us  as  soon  as   ful gastronomic experience with meals. At the same
        we entered. Nice and modernly furnished restau-       time, the chef and owner of this plant likes to try
        rant. After a little bit of time, we were picked up   new flavors, fragrances and colors of food and thus
        by a helpful timer who introduced us to the menu,     create the opportunity for their guests to taste un-
        menu and helped with the selection. The menu is       conventional but new and interesting dishes in a di-
        well designed and changed regularly. We were also     fferent way. We felt very comfortable with the opera-
        pleased with the seasonal offer of specialties. The   tion and one tasted us. Overall, we rate good to very
        steak, which we had the opportunity to taste with     good and also recommend a visit.

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