Page 163 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 163

The High Tatras offer their visitors everything they   booth with a nice name „Košarik“ is full of good food
        want to find in them. Families with children have a   and refreshing drinks. Excellent tea for children,
        great holiday, a lot of hiking trails for hiking, photo-  liqueurs for ladies, beer and wine for gentlemen,
        graphers of beautiful natural scenery, mountaineers   non-alcoholic drinks for drinkers, BIO products from
        starting points for challenging mountaineering clim-  local producers (sausages,  bacon,  cheese) for  BIO
        bers, lovers of privacy and wellness, retired pleasant   consumers,  of course  excellent coffee  and home-
        walks in the fresh mountain air and young people      -baked homemade sourdough bread and pastry. It is
        a varied entertainment and rich nightlife. Of cour-   actually a great example of typical Slovak products
        se, they do not forget about the „coffee“ types of    with the possibility of their purchase directly in the
        visitors. We stopped in one such pleasant business    shop, complemented by the possibility of pleasant
        called Košiarik in Starý Smokovec. Due to the gre-    sitting and relaxing after a challenging tour. We did-
        at penetration of foreign guests of „High Tatras“ we   n‘t really think who would find your favorite here.
        have said that the designation Beer & Wine, Coffee    The decoration of old skis with the legendary „Kan-
        & Bakery on the glass facade of the Cafe and Tearo-   dahar“ binding reminded us of the photos of our old
        om „Košiarik“ is in place and talking to passers-by in   and ancient fathers exaggerating on the antediluvi-
        the English language is fine. It occurred to us that   an skis and changing the direction of travel with a
        in the past centuries, when the visit of the High Ta-  single stick with the brisk „Telemark“. Very nice and
        tras was a privilege for the „top ten thousand“, the-  pleasant sitting, amazing service,  great offer  and
        re were probably also common foreign-language         pleasant atmosphere. It needs to be experienced on
        inscriptions, so today‘s status quo is just a natural   your own.
        continuation of what has long been before. This nice

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