Page 5 - Bedeker_2020.indd
P. 5
The Berlinka café in Berlinka builds on its older sister, Café cosmopolitan city. If you feel like having an excellent co-
Berlin, which has a tradition of more than 125 years. At ffee, or suddenly hungry, there is nothing easier than to
a time when a visit to a café in Prešpork (Pozsonyi) was come here for a moment and have a good meal. In the á
a normal part of social life and local royalties were met la carte we find hot and cold snacks, hungry guests can
here together with Vienna. There was the final tram stop indulge in something more hearty. Lovers of sweet temp-
from Vienna. The interior of the café carries the nostalgia tation will find pleasure for their fancy tongues. Vegeta-
of long-ago times, in which the time of the urban dawn rians are not forgotten in Berlin, and guests tend to lose
was slower than the waters of the Danube. For the sake of weight. Anyone can really choose. Fresh ingredients and
completeness, it should be added that at that time Ger- products from Slovak farmers are used in the preparation
man and Hungarian were most frequently heard in the of the meals, trying to use the ingredients without any
bohemian setting of Café Berlin. However, this has long residuals. Various cultural events, openings, workshops,
been in the past. Today, in addition to our love Slovak, concerts, lectures and celebrations are often held in Ber-
there are other languages spoken here, which shows that lin. Come to see and experience a special feeling of nos-
the present Bratislava is slowly but surely becoming a talgia in a pleasant and friendly environment.