Page 51 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 51

Old times confectionery in Modra Good rumor about     say that we have chosen very well. Desserts in the
        a cozy and stylish Modra confectionery called „Old    „Old times „is rich, willing customers will be pleased
        times“ us inspired to visit this business. Our positive   to advise and enjoy unobtrusive service - the way an
        expectations are in full confirmed. In the confectio-  enterprise of  this type belongs In the hot  summer
        nery we felt very comfortable right from the start.   months to enjoy the delicious ice cream on the ter-
        The interior revealed good taste of owners. Here we   race. We recommend taste homemade cheescakes,
        have managed to combine the past with the present     but of course other goodies of your choice. It is also
        so  that it is  yours  here come  all  generations  of vi-  possible to order more for family celebrations, wed-
        sitors. After tasting delicious coffee in combination   dings  and  the  like  opportunities.  We  highly  reco-
        with the great and fresh dessert we were able to to   mmend visiting the „Staré časy“ in Modra.

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