Page 45 - Bedeker_Gurman_2019.indd
P. 45

The Modra area is known for its fine wines and wine   served a dessert by Emperor chunk (Kaiser Schmarr)
        cellars. Located here family restaurant Old house. The   served with coulis of forest fruit. The food was ready
        operation focuses on traditional gastronomy in a mo-  exactly according to our expectations and tastes.
        dern design. The restaurant is decorated in an older   During our visit we felt comfortable in the restaurant.
        style, authentic for this wine region. The restaurant   Because it was a family restaurant really felt direct
        is very nice and helpful. We got a recommendation     home atmosphere. The only downside is worse par-
        on tasting the current chef‘s specialties. At the begi-  king, which is right before the main road restaurant,
        nning we tasted the appetizer gentle and delicious    which is not the most comfortable when going out.
        pheasant pastry to which the chef added unusual       Of course, this little thing will not deter any gourmet
        gingerbread spices served with cranberry coulis and   visit. Tasting local specialties and wines from LUDVIK
        roasted baguette. As the main food we tasted deer     wine is definitely worth it. A visit to this lovely fami-
        back prepared by method sous - vide with rosehip      ly-run Old House in Modra
        sauce, knob and homemade rolls. Finally, we were      We recommend.

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