Page 75 - Bedeker_2020.indd
P. 75
We do not know whether the well-known fairy-tale book pleasant atmosphere of the New Baroque style of the re-
Golden Key by Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy was an inspi- staurant looks exclusive. Tune in to a culinary experience
ration for inventing the name of this popular Nitra restau- before you order something. Contemporary gastronomy
rant, and in any case, guests can feel like a real fairytale. places high demands on the quality of ingredients, pre-
The cuisine at Cle ´ Or is French fusion-style, with a sophi- paration and aesthetic appearance of the dishes offered,
sticated engagement of all senses. An experienced team so besides excellent taste and smell you will appreciate
of staff will take care of you by taking home the best im- the way individual portions stand out on the plates. The
pressions. If you are demanding, you will surely experi- well-known fact that we eat with our eyes is doubly true.
ence exceptional moments here. Experience gastronomy Whoever decides to visit this restaurant will have the
is nowadays a frequently used term, but in combination opportunity to feel “beautiful is to live ...” The satisfaction
with a beautiful view of Nitra and perfect service, its me- and popularity of this restaurant is also evidenced by
aning gains another dimension. The menu is designed many positive reviews from customers.
to delight the senses of a wide variety of customers. The